Whatever Floats Your Art – DIY Simple Float Frame Tutorial

Finishing an art canvas with a float frame can help tie a piece into its surroundings and give it a more refined look. Adding frames has actually helped save some of my own artwork from being banished to the basement. A few months ago I was re-decorating my office and in the process I toyed with the idea…

Multiple Ways to Maximize Your Multifamily Investment

Buying a multifamily property has been one of the best decisions we’ve made. The house is not only a source of pride, but a tangible asset that is able to give us returns now as well as in the future. It’s not for everyone and has its risks, but if you’re up to the challenge it’s worth the…

Our Favorite Houseplants

I’m a huge fan of keeping indoor plants. I really love the sense of warmth and life they add to a room. They also help me to be more actively engaged in and mindful about my surroundings. Not only can plants be powerful design elements, they help improve indoor air quality and can serve multiple purposes in…

Kitchen Rehab Recipe: 7 Key Ingredients for a Rockstar Kitchen Renovation

Kitchens are where it’s at. They’re where we spend the majority of our time at home and where we gather with friends and family to enjoy fun times and good eats. As the pulse of the home, it’s important for them to be inviting, organized, and functional. Our kitchen was the complete opposite when we first bought our house. True…